Journal of the Institute of Engineering 2025-03-07T16:45:25+0545 Prof. Dr. Hem Raj Pant Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of the Institute of Engineering (JIE) is the primary official journal of the Institute of Engineering (School of Engineering) under Tribhuvan University - Nepal, managed by Tribhuvan University Teachers' Association - Pulchowk Campus Unit (TUTA-PCU). JIE is an open access journal with no publication fee. It is published online as well as in print form.</p> Cover Page-Marangoni Effect 2025-03-07T16:45:25+0545 Salim Maharjan <p>This is the cover page for Journal of The Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus. The depicted flow phenomena is Marangoni Effect.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Water Quality Status of Groundwater in Kathmandu Valley and Analysis of Their Present Situation with Water Quality Index 2023-03-26T14:28:02+0545 Anish Adhikari Ram Kumar Sharma <p>Groundwater is one of the essential natural resources on which the majority of the world's population depends for their daily lives. In Kathmandu Valley, the demand for the water has primarily contributed from groundwater sources and is used for domestic purposes, irrigation, and even for drinking in some areas. However, due to the poor waste management and absence of regular monitoring and control, the water quality index of the groundwater is disintegrating continuously. The main objective of this research was to identify the groundwater quality status of Kathmandu Valley and to identify places with the best quality for drinking within the study area.&nbsp; 42 water samples (no. of samples is seven from each source) were collected during the winter season in December 2021, and major physio-chemical parameters were analyzed. The results revealed that chloride, total hardness, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), pH, Electrical conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and turbidity were within the recommendations of the WHO and &nbsp;National Drinking Water Quality Standards, 2062. However, the Dissolved Ammonia and alkalinity concentrations were higher than the WHO guidelines due to the deposition of the harmful and radioactive waste near the sources and its absorption in the sources. Therefore, The groundwater in the study area is not safe for drinking in all aspects, so treatment is required before the use.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Review and Analysis of Waste to Energy for Urban Areas of Nepal 2023-04-03T21:45:09+0545 Rohini Khyen Prabin Dhakal Sundar Shrestha <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The rapid population growth in urban areas and change in lifestyle causes the increased trend of the rate </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of municipal solid waste generation. Municipal solid waste management is a serious environmental concern </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">and a serious issue for the metropolitan cities of Nepal due to insufficient technical, financial and managerial </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">resources. The traditional practice of burning waste has an adverse impact on the environment. The paper </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">presents an overview of different types of waste-to-energy technologies for urban waste management, and </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">anaerobic digestion is one of the most efficient methods. It is seen that about 2.8 MWh/day of electricity can be </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">produced from the waste collection of Kathmandu Metropolitan City through the anaerobic digestion process. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The finding signifies the huge potential in Kathmandu valley for the generation of energy from the waste which </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">is the necessary and appropriate step towards developing a sustainable urban waste management system in </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Nepal.</span></p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Institute of Engineering International Air Passenger Demand Modeling in Nepal 2023-11-18T15:33:34+0545 Nishub Luitel Pradeep Kumar Shrestha <p>Air travel demand forecasting is an important task for the concerned civil aviation authority as well as airlines company. This paper intends to analyze and forecast international air travel demand in Nepal. Econometric variables like GDP, CPI, remittance, employment migration, tourist arrivals, exchange rates, GDP per capita, net national income per capita, world GDP etc is taken as an explanatory variable for the demand generated in aviation industry. A Multiple linear regression model was developed where above mentioned variables were used as explanatory variable and the statistical result showed almost perfect correlation between themselves which made the model biased in terms of coefficients. Furthermore, several models considering different combinations of independent variables were developed. Finally a regression model where exchange rate, number of labour permit, number of tourist arrival taken as explanatory variable was developed. The developed model showed satisfactory result and was taken as demand model for the forecast.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Study of Carbon Emission by Vehicles and its Impact on Environment and Climate on BP highway 2024-04-09T07:16:37+0545 Susan Nayaju Prashant Lakhemaru Khem Narayan Poudyal Nawraj Bhattarai <p>Climate catastrophes like global warming and the rise in air temperature have increased as a result of a rise in emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. The fundamental cause of climate change is a spike in carbon dioxide concentration, and many nations are implementing strategies to reduce this pollutant level. The transport industry is proven to be the main source of carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, the basis for this study is the assessment of carbon dioxide gas emissions generated by the busiest roadway in Nepal. Thus, the various reports, journals, and books were reviewed relevant to the determination of emission of carbon dioxide gases from transport sector. Likewise, a survey was done by using questionnaire at chosen locations located<br>on BP highway route near Kathmandu Valley. Similarly, the various parameters were also estimated from the survey and utilizing Weibull Distribution equations for VKT (Vehicle kilometre travelled), energy demand and emission factor etc. In order to ascertain the relationship between the atmospheric temperature at Mangaltar and the emission of carbon dioxide by the transport sector, the study was also carried out at the Mangaltar station, one of the stations of the BP highway. The results showed a positive connection with a correlation coefficient of 0.46 and a significance level less than 0.05, which is 0.01. Moreover, the projections study for carbon dioxide emissions showed a value of R2 comparable to 0.98, demonstrating the reliance of carbon dioxide emissions on a yearly rise in the number of vehicles. Furthermore, the combined result of all strategies demonstrated that electrifying the transportation sector and a decline in the overall number of personal vehicles may reduce carbon dioxide emissions load by 90.24% by the year 2041 A.D. As a result, it has been determined that if this pattern continues, emissions will rise to approx 46727 tons/year by 2041, which could contribute to the further rise in temperature as anticipated by other researchers. However, by modifying policies and methods, emissions can be reduced to zero in the upcoming years.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Harmonic analysis of a Simply-Supported-Fixed-Beam of uniform cross-section with a concentrated mass and concentrated harmonic force at mid-span using Numerical Simulation 2024-07-10T14:53:51+0545 Salim Maharjan Mahesh Chandra Luintel <p>Vibration measurements and analysis on beam is important for the safe design, construction, and operation of variety of machines and structures. This is because one of the key components of failure of beams is associated with vibration and the phenomenon of resonance. The behavior showcased by a structure at resonance is a key aspect of structural dynamics. Therefore, when a beam is subjected to cyclic loads it is important to study how the beam behaves at various frequencies, especially those that are close to its natural frequencies. This is done with the help of modal and harmonic analysis. These analyses help to verify whether an engineering design that includes a structural member like beam will successfully overcome resonance, fatigue and other harmful effects of forced vibration. The paper presents the modal analysis of a uniform simply-supported-fixed beam of 0.5 m length, 0.005 m width, and 0.005 m height in the absence and in the presence of concentrated mass of 0.07 kg at its mid-span in ANSYS 'Modal' analysis system. The simulation results are validated through comparison with results from well-established theories of vibration, namely the Eigenvalue Method and the Rayleigh Method. The harmonic analysis is then performed with the addition of harmonic force of 5 N at the mid-span of the beam through ANSYS `Harmonic Response' analysis system. From the harmonic analysis, it is observed that the beam undergoes a maximum transverse directional deformation of 13.995 mm and experiences a maximum von-Mises stress of 624.520 MPa when it is vibrating at the frequency of 45.007 Hz.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Low Speed Open Jet Wind Tunnel for Free Flight Testing 2023-11-18T15:35:37+0545 Rakesh Chaudhary Sudip Bhattrai Laxman Poudel Krishna Adhikari Aayush Bhatta <p>With the development of in the field of aerodynamics, a test model of aircraft, UAVs, MAVs and other flying and moving vehicles needs to go under rigorous test in wind tunnel for stability, lift, drag and other aerodynamics parameters. Despite of development of CFD for flow simulation over a body, experimental setup with proper flow conditions is necessary for carrying out actual aerodynamics test. The study presents conceptual design, numerical simulation and experimental setup of low speed open jet wind tunnel of blower type having test section of 1.5 m wide and 0.8 m high. The tunnel was designed to produce 12m/s. However, the wind tunnel only produced 7.5 m/s of open wind at outlet where the test object can be placed. The flow field evaluation showed the turbulence intensity of --\% and mean flow uniformity lies mostly below --\%. The simulation carried out with pressure inlet as boundary condition comparatively matches with the result obtained experimentally. The development of such open jet wind tunnel can be useful for simulation of flights.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Analysis of Rebar-Concrete Bond Strength Through Finite Element Modeling 2024-06-12T15:01:55+0545 Sujan Chapagain Rajan Suwal <p>A reinforced concrete section is comprised of enveloping concrete to which external load is applied and the<br>reinforcing bars (rebars) which receive load from the concrete by bond mechanism. Finite Element Model (FEM)<br>of reinforced concrete structures can produce realistic responses to simulate bond behavior. For computational<br>speed and simulation efficiency, a simple but realistic bond-slip model is required. In this paper, a modified<br>approach to Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) in ABAQUS is proposed with perfect bond between smooth rebar<br>and concrete surfaces. This approach produced excellent results for six reference bond test specimens from<br>two studies with short and long rebar bond lengths. The predicted load-displacement response from numerical<br>simulation were very close to the experiment test results. The predicted bond strengths showed 98.6% and<br>95.9% match with test results for short and long bond lengths respectively.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Design and Modification of Side Intake Using Numerical Simulation 2024-04-04T08:38:49+0545 Bikki Chhantyal Anil KC Ramesh Kumar Maskey <p>Side intakes have been proposed to divert flow to headrace tunnels from a reservoir. Three side intakes have been provided to pass the design discharge of 536 m3/s during the dry season and a maximum discharge of 551.37 m<sup>3</sup>/s during the wet season. The simulations are performed to find the velocity contour, pressure contours, velocity vectors, and vorticity at characteristic horizontal and vertical planes using ANSYS Fluent. The head loss is then evaluated and compared with the calculation from the empirical formula. The geometry of intake with response to the reservoir influences the symmetric flow through each opening of intake. A comparison has been made for the modified geometry concerning the original geometry, which has better hydraulic performance and less head loss.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering 2D surface Quasi Geostrophic (SQG) Equations and its Regularity 2024-08-03T15:39:01+0545 Pawan Durga Jang KC Ramjee Sharma <p>A detailed survey indicates that a gap exists in the numerical as well as the analytical study of 2D Surface Quasi Geostrophic Equations. Recently there is an increasing interest in its study as it is important in the field of fluid dynamics and similar to <br />3D Euler equations and hence with Navier Stokes equations, a millennium problem. In this paper, a review of the selected findings in the chronological order is presented. We present both the analytic and numerical results for the dissipative and inviscid cases.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of AAC Block with Red Brick as Building Construction Material 2024-07-29T16:48:17+0545 Naresh Kumar Manandhar <p><em>Red Bricks and AAC Block, both are being used as building construction materials in the building construction recently in Nepal. Red Bricks are being used from very old age but the AAC Block has been in the market for very few years only, so, there exists some doubts regarding its performance. For a technical person like engineers and project managers, there should be proper knowledge about the materials so that they can choose a better option for the construction with better performance in the future, in other words, the material shall be more effective than the other. The effectiveness of the material is determined based on their properties; the physical, mechanical, economic, and environmental aspects. The material shall be strong, durable, and economical. The laboratory tests of samples of Red Bricks and AAC Blocks, cost analysis, and review of literature, articles, and journals were done to analyze the effectiveness of the materials The results were checked for size, density, strength, water absorption, cost, and environmental impact. The result showed that AAC Blocks were properly sized with lower density, lower compressive strength, cheaper, faster, and environmentally friendly than red bricks but with higher water absorption capacity. The red brick sizes were non-uniform as well with liable to cause adverse human and environmental hazards. Overall, they both have their suitability on the construction, but due to the uniform sizes, light weight, availability with required compressive strength, and economic and eco-friendly aspects, AAC Block is a better option in use for construction. In the case of a load-bearing structure, the red brick is still suggested.</em></p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Centralized or Decentralized Electricity Governance in Nepal 2024-08-06T21:29:17+0545 Suman Basnet <p>There is a debate about whether a centralized or decentralized electricity governance is suitable for Nepal. Nepal’s electricity sector is currently dominated by large hydropower projects. The proponents of the status quo argue that centralised electricity governance promotes economies of scale and consequent cost reductions, enhanced flexibility, more reliability and a stronger capacity to resist external energy shocks. Decentralized electricity governance is an emerging sub-national government-initiated electricity generation based decentralised energy governance system. Its proponents argue that decentralized electricity systems offers advantages like decreased transmission line costs, lower losses, is more responsive to local conditions and takes energy decision making closest to the users of energy, Recognizing that the debate between centralized versus decentralized electricity governance is not binary, the multilevel governance framework, used as a tool of analysis in this essay, recognizes that there are multiple state and non-state actors at different levels of government necessitating that the technical and institutional structures evolve together to ensure economics of scale, national integration and resilience. This supports the harmonization of local and national interests, with a role for the public and private sectors. Based on the above principles, more work needs to be done to formulate an effective electricity governance system for Nepal.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Computation and Experimental Analysis of Helical Bach-Type Savonius Wind Turbine for Water Pumping Application 2024-07-16T21:13:17+0545 Shree Raj Shakya Bibish Chaulagain Sandip Poudel Tek Raj Subedi Prashant Sharma Poudel Subarna Subedi Janu Kumar Sah <p>Access to clean, accessible, affordable and renewable energy resources and their sustainable application has<br>been a major concern in the 21st century due to environmental and socio-economic consequences from the<br>conventional use of fossil fuels. Wind energy has been seen as one of the potential options for meeting the<br>need of energy target set under the UN SDG goals and promoting energy and water security. This study deals<br>with a comprehensive study on the performance evaluation and analysis of a helical Bach-type Savonius wind<br>turbine design for the water pumping applications. The results obtained from the computational and experimental<br>analyses were examined for determining the performance parameters such as power coefficient (Cp), torque<br>coefficient (Ct), and tip speed ratio (TSR) at different wind speeds. The findings demonstrated that a TSR has<br>direct relationship power coefficient and inverse relationship torque coefficient. With the helical Bach-type turbine<br>of 0.7m rotor height and surface area of 0.7 m2 two bladed helical rotor was found to generate 2.306 W of energy<br>with the Cp of 0.114. The cutoff speed of the turbine was found to be 1m/s. These results signify that the rotor<br>can operate even at a very low wind speed opening the avenues for tapping its potential of applications for<br>pumping water in the sustainable manner thus helping to address the water, energy and food security in the<br>modern energy deprived countries.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering Investigation of the Sun Baked Earth Buildings in Nepal 2025-02-24T15:39:43+0545 Kuber Bogati Hongwang Ma <p><span class="fontstyle0">This paper delves into the rich history and multifaceted world of sunbaked adobe earth construction, with a specific focus on its current state and potential in Nepal. We delve the seismic performance of adobe build- ings, drawing insights from past earthquake the devastating April 2015 Gorkha event and 2023 November Jajarkot Earthquake in Nepal. While acknowledging its vulnerability, we highlight ongoing research and development efforts aimed at enhancing its resilience. These efforts encompass areas like modified raw soil block design, improved construction methodologies, innovative retrofitting techniques to building codes. Ultimately, this paper explores the indigenous knowledge and practices across the Nepal along with potential for sustainable and accessible housing solutions remains remarkable. Through continued research and development, we can unlock adobes capacity, paving the way for earthquake-resistant and eco-friendly dwellings for all.</span> </p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+0545 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Institute of Engineering